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game for是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

game for


1.Terry revealed: "Didier called everyone together before the game for a huddle and a speech. It was a great speech for before the match. "特里透露:“赛前迪迪尔把所有人叫到一起,进行一个简短的发言,这是一个很重要的发言。”

2.But halfway through the game, for these kids, the rules changed, and suddenly the experimenter wasn't living up to her part of the bargain.但是在游戏进行到一半的时候,规则改变了,并且实验者没有没有达到他们的承诺。

3.People are often surprised to hear that I've been a fan of the women's game for some time.人们有时候总是惊讶的听到我能从女子比赛中得到乐趣。

4.I mean, how would you describe in plain English what morbid violence is, what you have to see in a video game for it to be covered?我的意思是,你怎样以简洁英文形容什麽是病态暴力?你在电子游戏里看到什麽会受到干涉?

5.Bryant might have missed 17 of his 28 shots, but it was the force in which he started the game for the Lakers that set the tone.布莱恩特或许的确错失了他28次投篮中的17次,但他一开始就表现出来的力量为整场比赛设下基调。

6.Linda: Don't worry, at least I am with you, shall we play online game for a while?别担心啊,至少还有我陪你嘛,我们玩一会网路游戏好吗?

7.One of his best games in Atleti colours but threw it all away when he got himself sent off late in the game for a rash tackle on Uche.这是他马竞的最好比赛之一,但是很遗憾,在比赛的最后,他因对乌切犯规而被罚出场。

8.Our goal is to make it possible for new players to actually have a chance to be top of the game for a time before they too have to retire .我们的目标是使得新的玩家在他们引退之前有机会在一段时间成为游戏里最强的选手。

9.The dollar's slide also means that trying to set student fees in advance is a tiresome guessing game for college officials.而美元的贬值也意味着提前设定学费对于大学行政人员来说是个麻烦的估算工作。

10.Quite a bit of the time, capturing a Drone Ship will win the game for you.非常多的情况下,占领一个主基地将会为你赢得比赛。
